Edi Tri Baskoro

Nama: Prof. Dr. Edy Tri Baskoro


  • S1 (1987), Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia.
  • S2 (1992), The University of New England, Australia.
  • S3 (1996), The University of Newcastle, Australia.


  • Restricted size Ramsey number for path of order three versus graph of order five (2017)
    Silaban D.R., Baskoro E.T., Uttunggadewa S.
  • On the partition dimension of disconnected graphs (2017)
    Haryeni D.O., Baskoro E.T., Saputro S.W.
  • A survey of face-antimagic evaluations of graphs (2017)
    Bača M., Baskoro E.T., Brankovic L., Jendrol’ S., Lin Y., Phanalasy O., Ryan J., Semaničová-Feňovčíková A., Slamin, Sugeng K.A.
  • Trees with Certain Locating-Chromatic Number (2016)
    Dian Kastika Syofyan, Prof. Edy Tri Baskoro M.Sc.,Ph.D., Hilda Assiyatun M.Si.,Ph.D.
  • Total vertex irregularity strength of trees with maximum degree four (2016)
    Susilawati, Baskoro E.T., Simanjuntak R.
  • On size tripartite Ramsey numbers of P 3 versus mK 1, n (2016)
    Lusiani A., Baskoro E.T., Saputro S.W.
  • Restricted size Ramsey number for P 3 versus small paths (2016)
    Silaban D.R., Baskoro E.T., Uttunggadewa S.
  • Connected size Ramsey numbers of matchings and stars (2016)
    Rahadjeng B., Baskoro E.T., Assiyatun H.
  • On Ramsey (3 K 2, K 3) – Minimal graphs (2016)
    Wijaya K., Baskoro E.T., Assiyatun H., Suprijanto D.
  • On Ramsey (P 3, P 6)-minimal graphs (2016)
    Rahmadani D., Baskoro E.T., Assiyatun H.
  • Locating-chromatic number for a graph of two components (2016)
    Welyyanti D., Simanjuntak R., Uttunggadewa S., Baskoro E.T.
  • The partition dimension of subdivision of a graph (2016)
    Amrullah, Baskoro E.T., Uttunggadewa S., Simanjuntak R.
  • Trees with certain locating-chromatic number (2016)
    Syofyan D.K., Baskoro E.T., Assiyatun H.
  • On Size Multipartite Ramsey Numbers for Stars versus Cycles (2015)
    Lusiani A., Sy S., Baskoro E.T., Jayawardene C.
  • On ramsey (2kinf2/inf,kinf4/inf)sup_/supminimal grap (2015)
    Baskoro E.T., Wijaya K.
  • Partition Dimension of Some Classes of Homogenous Disconnected Graphs (2015)
    Haryeni D.O., Baskoro E.T.
  • Some graphs in Cinff/inf2 based on f-coloring (2015)
    Adiwijaya, Salman A.N.M., Serra O., Suprijanto D., Baskoro E.T.
  • Total Vertex-Irregularity Labelings for Subdivision of Several Classes of Trees (2015)
    Susilawati, Baskoro E.T., Simanjuntak R.
  • On total irregularity strength of generalized Halin graph (2015)
    Ahmad A., Nurdin, Baskoro E.T.
  • The Partition Dimension of a Subdivision of a Complete Graph (2015)
    Amrullah, Baskoro E.T., Simanjuntak R., Uttunggadewa S.
  • The Locating-Chromatic Number of Binary Trees (2015)
    Syofyan D.K., Baskoro E.T., Assiyatun H.
  • On Locating-chromatic Number for Graphs with Dominant Vertices (2015)
    Welyyanti D., Baskoro E.T., Simanjuntak R., Uttunggadewa S.
  • On the Ramsey numbers R(S2, m,K2, q)and R(sK2, KsSudarsana I.W., Assiyatun H., Uttunggadewa S., Baskoro E.T.
  • On Ramsey Minimal Graphs for the Pair Paths (2015)
    Rahmadani D., Baskoro E.T., Assiyatun H.
  • On the Restricted Size Ramsey Number (2015)
    Silaban D.R., Baskoro E.T., Uttunggadewa S.
  • Partition Dimension of Some Classes of Trees (2015)
    Arimbawa K.I.B.K.P., Baskoro E.T.
  • The locating-chromatic number of disconnected graphs (2014)
    Welyyanti D., Baskoro E.T., Simanjuntak R., Uttunggadewa S.
  • The metric dimension of the lexicographic product of graphs (2013)
    Saputro S.W., Simanjuntak R., Uttunggadewa S., Assiyatun H., Baskoro E.T., Salman A.N.M., Bača M.
  • Supermagic coverings of the disjoint union of graphs and amalgamations (2013)
    Maryati T.K., Salman A.N.M., Baskoro E.T.
  • On locating-chromatic number of complete n-ary tree (2013)
    Welyyanti D., Baskoro E.T., Simanjuntak R., Uttunggadewa S.
  • On the locating-chromatic number of homogeneous lobsters (2013)
    Syofyan D.K., Baskoro E.T., Assiyatun H.
  • Further results on cycle-supermagic labeling (2013)
    Roswitha M., Baskoro E.T., Maryati T.K., Kurdhi N.A., Susanti I.
  • Total edge irregularity strength of the disjoint union of helm graphs (2013)
    Siddiqui M.K., Nurdin, Baskoro E.T.
  • Construction techniques for digraphs with minimum diameter (2013)
    Miller M., Slamin, Ryan J., Baskoro E.T.
  • The locating-chromatic number of firecracker graphs (2012)
    Asmiati, Baskoro E.T., Assiyatun H., Suprijanto D., Simanjuntak R., Uttunggadewa S.
  • H-magic covering on some classes of graphs (2012)
    Roswitha M., Baskoro E.T.
  • Total vertex irregularity strength of disjoint union of helm graphs (2012)
    Ahmad A., Baskoro E.T., Imran M.
  • Characterizing all graphs containing cycles with locating-chromatic number 3 (2012)
    Asmiati, Baskoro E.T.
  • The locating-chromatic number of certain Halin graphs (2012)
    Purwasih I.A., Baskoro E.T.
  • On Ramsey (3K 2,P 3)-minimal graphs (2012)
    Muhshi H., Baskoro E.T.
  • Lower bounds of the size multipartite Ramsey numbers m j(P n,K jb) (2012)
    Sy S., Baskoro E.T.
  • On Ramsey (2K 2, 2P n)-minimal graphs (2012)
    Tatanto D., Baskoro E.T.
  • The partition dimension of the corona product of two graphs (2012)
    Baskoro E.T., Darmaji
  • On super antimagic total labeling of harary graph (2012)
    Hussain M., Baskoro E.T., Ali K.
  • A characterization of the corona product of a cycle with some graphs based on its f-chromatic index (2012)
    Adiwijaya, Salman A.N.M., Suprijanto D., Baskoro E.T.
  • Further results on partition dimension of corona products (2012)
    Darmaji, Baskoro E.T.
  • Locating-chromatic number of amalgamation of stars (2011)
    Asmiati, Assiyatun H., Baskoro E.T.
  • The metric dimension of regular bipartite graphs (2011)
    Bača M., Baskoro E.T., Salman A.N.M., Saputro S.W., Suprijanto D.
  • On the metric dimension of corona product of graphs (2011)
    Iswadi H., Baskoro E.T., Simanjuntak R.
  • Magic graphs with pendant edges (2011)
    Ngurah A.A.G., Baskoro E.T., Tomescu I.
  • Large bipartite Cayley graphs of given degree and diameter (2011)
    Vetrík T., Simanjuntak R., Baskoro E.T.
  • Comparison of PUMA and CUNWRAP to 2-D phase unwrapping (2011)
    Syakrani N., Mengko T.L.R., Suksmono A.B., Baskoro E.T.
  • On the super edge-magic deficiency of forests (2011)
    Baig A.Q., Ahmad A., Tri Baskoro E., Simanjuntak R.
  • On the total vertex irregularity strength of trees (2010)
    Nurdin, Baskoro E.T., Salman A.N.M., Gaos N.N.
  • On H-supermagic labelings for certain shackles and amalgamations of a connected graph (2010)
    Maryati T.K., Salman A.N.M., Baskoro E.T., Ryan J., Miller M.
  • The metric dimension of amalgamation of cycles (2010)
    Iswadi H., Baskoro E.T., Salman A.N.M., Simanjuntak R.
  • On total vertex-irregular labellings for several types of trees (2010)
    Nurdin, Baskoro E.T., Salman A.N.M., Gaos N.N.
  • On Ramsey (K1,2 P4 minimal graphs (2010)
    Yulianti L., Assiyatun H., Uttunggadewa S., Baskoro E.T.
  • The resolving graph of amalgamation of cycles (2010)
    Iswadi H., Baskoro E.T., Salman A.N.M., Simanjuntak R.
  • The Ramsey numbers for the union graph with H-good components (2010)
    Sudarsana I.W., Baskoro E.T., Assiyatun H., Uttunggadewa S.
  • On ramsey (K1,2C4)-minimal graphs (2010)
    Vetrík T., Yulianti L., Baskoro E.T.
  • On super edge-magic total labelings of a forest of banana trees (2010)
    Ahmad A., Ali K., Baskoro E.T.
  • On super edge-magic total labeling of banana trees (2009)
    Hussain M., Baskoro E.T., Slamin
  • On the total vertex-irregular strength of a disjoint union of t copies of a path (2009)
    Nurdin, Salman A.N.M., Gaos N.N., Baskoro E.T.
  • The metric dimensions of a complete n-partite graph and its cartesian product with a path (2009)
    Saputro S.W., Baskoro E.T., Salman A.N.M., Suprijanto D.
  • The partition dimension of a complete multipartite graph, a special caterpillar and a windmill (2009)
    Darmaji, Uttunggadewa S., Simanjuntak R., Baskoro E.T.
  • Path-path size multipartite Ramsey numbers (2009)
    Sy S., Baskoro E.T., Uttunggadewa S., Assiyatun H.
  • On the ramsey number for a linear forest versus a cocktail party graph (2009)
    Ali K., Baig A.Q., Baskoro E.T.
  • On f-colorings of the corona product of cycles with some other graphs (2009)
    Adiwijaya, Salman A.N.M., Suprijanto D., Baskoro E.T.
  • The Ramsey number of a certain forest respect to a small wheel (2009)
    Sudarsana I.W., Baskoro E.T., Assiyatun H., Uttunggadewa S.
  • Expansion techniques on the super edge antimagic total graphs (2009)
    Sudarsana I.W., Baskoro E.T., Uttunggadewa S., Ismaimuza D.
  • The total edge-irregular strengths of the corona product of paths with some graphs (2008)
    Nurdin, Salman A.N.M., Baskoro E.T.
  • Ph-supermagic labelings of some trees (2008)
    Maryati T.K., Baskoro E.T., Salman A.N.M.
  • On the super edge-magic deficiencies of graphs (2008)
    Ngurah A.A.G., Baskoro E.T., Simanjuntak R.
  • The metric dimension of graph with pendant edges (2008)
    Iswadi H., Baskoro E.T., Simanjuntak R., Salman A.N.M.
  • The Ramsey numbers of large cycles versus odd wheels (2008)
    Surahmat, Baskoro E.T., Tomescu I.
  • Ramsey (K1,2, C4) – Minimal graphs (2008)
    Baskoro E.T., Yulianti L., Assiyatun H.
  • On Super edge-magic strength and deficiency of graphs (2008)
    Ngurah A.A.G., Baskoro E.T., Simanjuntak R., Uttunggadewa S.
  • On the Ramsey numbers for paths and generalized Jahangir graphs J s,m(2008)
    Ali K., Baskoro E.T., Tomescu I.
  • The Ramsey numbers for disjoint unions of graphs (2008)
    Hasmawati, Baskoro E.T., Assiyatun H.
  • Enumerations of vertex orders of almost Moore digraphs with selfrepeats (2008)
    Baskoro E.T., Cholily Y.M., Miller M.
  • Ramsey Numbers on a Union of Identical Stars Versus a Small Cycle (2008)
    Hasmawati, Assiyatun H., Baskoro E.T., Salman A.N.M.
  • On the Ramsey numbers for a combination of paths and Jahangirs (2008)
    Ali K., Baskoro E.T.
  • The Ramsey numbers of large star and large star-like trees versus odd wheels (2008)
    Surahmat C., Baskoro E.T., Broersma H.J.
  • On (super) edge-magic total labeling of subdivision of K 1,3 (2007)
    Ngurah A.A.G., Simanjuntak R., Baskoro E.T.
  • On the new families of (super) edge-magic graphs (2007)
    Ngurah A.A.G., Baskoro E.T., Simanjuntak R.
  • On d-antimagic labelings for a special class of plane graphs (2007)
    Bača M., Baskoro E.T., Cholily Y.M.
  • The Ramsey numbers of large cycles versus wheels (2006)
    Surahmat, Baskoro E.T., Tomescu I.
  • The Ramsey numbers for disjoint unions of trees (2006)
    Baskoro E.T., Hasmawati, Assiyatun H.
  • Super edge-antimagic labelings of the generalized Petersen graph P(n, (n – 1)/2) (2006)
    Bača M., Baskoro E.T., Simanjuntak R., Sugeng K.A.
  • Complete characterization of almost moore digraphs of degree three (2005)
    Baskoro E.T., Miller M., Širáň J., Sutton M.
  • The Ramsey number of paths with respect to wheels (2005)
    Baskoro E.T., Surahmat
  • An upper bound for the ramsey number of a cycle of length four versus wheels (2005)
    Surahmat, Baskoro E.T., Uttunggadewa S., Broersma H.
  • Antimagic valuations for the special class of plane graphs (2005)
    Bača M., Baskoro E.T., Miller M.
  • Antimagic labelings of hexagonal plane maps (2004)
    Bača M., Baskoro E.T., Jendroľ S., Miller M.
  • On magic and antimagic total labeling of generalized Petersen graph (2003)
    Ngurah A.A.G., Baskoro E.T.
  • On Ramsey numbers for trees versus wheels of five or six vertices (2002)
    Baskoro E.T., Surahmat, Nababan S.M., Miller M.
  • Edge-magic total labelings (2000)
    Wallis W.D., Baskoro E.T., Miller M., Slamin
  • Further results on almost moore digraphs (2000)
    Baskoro E.T., Miller M., Plesník J.
  • On the structure of digraphs with order close to the moore bound (1998)
    Baskoro E.T., Miller M., Plesník J.
  • Digraphs of degree 3 and order close to the moore bound (1995)
    Edy Tri Baskoro , et al.